Cold Laser Therapy
We offer Cold Laser Therapy as part of our collection of rehab services. Cold Laser Therapy is used for wound healing, post operative care, arthritis, and numerous skin conditions such as burns or abrasions. It's ability to accelerate tissue repair makes it an excellent choice for dogs with chronic joint problems or skin conditions. Any condition that causes swelling and pain can be treated with Cold Laser Therapy. Cold Laser Therapy can be done on its own or as part of an overall Rehab Plan.
Before scheduling Cold Laser Therapy, you will need to obtain a referral from your veterinarian. We always work closely with your veterinarian as well as our in-house veterinarian to ensure the best care possible for your pet. If you aren't sure whether Cold Laser Therapy is right for your dog, please contact us to discuss your dog's specific needs.
Before scheduling Cold Laser Therapy, you will need to obtain a referral from your veterinarian. We always work closely with your veterinarian as well as our in-house veterinarian to ensure the best care possible for your pet. If you aren't sure whether Cold Laser Therapy is right for your dog, please contact us to discuss your dog's specific needs.
How Does it Work?Cold Laser Therapy is a painless service that stimulates the body's natural ability to heal. Wavelengths of light signal the body to release pain relieving compounds and encourage the body's healing process to speed up recovery. Some dogs may show signs of immediate relief after their first session, but the best results are seen after a series of sessions.
What to ExpectAcute conditions may be resolved within a few sessions, while chronic conditions may require multiple sessions over several weeks. Often times, Cold Laser Therapy is used in conjunction with other rehab services as part of an overall Rehab Plan. You can learn more about the Rehab Services we offer here. When performed on their own, Cold Laser Therapy sessions may last anywhere from 15 - 60 minutes, depending upon the number of areas being treated and the dog's personality/cooperation.
Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy
Conditions That Benefit From
Cold Laser Therapy is a compliment to veterinary care and is not meant to treat or diagnose. A referral from your veterinarian will be required before sessions may begin.